Friday, 29 November 2013

Feedback from class pitch

From our pitch to class we had some feedback on the ideas of our film, these included;

- "The location of cambridge could be holding your group back as you are struggling to get permissions from everyone for filming in public areas. Maybe consider more local locations?"

- "Make sure the guns you use and props as well, are well known to the local authority as this can cause disturbance if filming outside in a public area."

-  "The narrative is slightly unclear and we are unsure how you can tell that much of a story in a trailer"

- "Narrative needs to be simplified and maybe a sub plot added also?."

- "The name and connotations of CAD - classified and dangerous has been well thought out and is good."

-"Pitch fits the genre of secret agents and was interesting and visually interesting too."

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Production Company Logo

Connotation of Incognito: Incognito means to be hidden or to be in disguise. This fits with our genre of film as we are doing crime and the main character is in hiding. The use of the gun sight as the O in incognito shows our other genre action, by using the gun sight it is showing iconography following a convention of action films, which is weapons. Also the connotation of the image suggests that someone is using the sight to target someone, this reflects our chosen narrative of our film trailer.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Film Title Ideas

- Incognito 

- Anonymous

- Catch

- Unseen

-  Defend

- Watch

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Costume and Prop ideas - Research


The costumes we will be looking to use for the government agents, are based on the films researched like "men in black". They will wear full suits, which match to show they are part of a group or team of people. The suits show they have power and authority over members of the public. They will also wear the glasses seen in these films as well, as this starts the mystery aspect of the narrative as it covers their identity from the public.

The costumes we will be looking to use for the "protector" role, will be casual but at the same time will need to show show power as they are the hero at the end of the film. We feel we can achieve this by letting the protector wear normal jeans, this will juxtapose the suit trousers of the agents. The protector will also need to wear a big coat, like in the film "TAKEN" this could be to hide weapons or just to "bulk out" the character making them appear bigger sized and juxtaposed to the small girl.


The props for the government agents are usually guns to protect them, and a MI5 badge or a badge to show their importance and power, if needed. They could also have earpieces like the film "Men In Black" to receive information from the governement.

The props for the protector will stereotypically include a gun also used to protect him and the female in distress, and in our film the use of a memory stick has great significance as this is the cause of the government agents chasing the protector and girl. These are usually seen in films that include government information  as it can be so easily displaced and can get into the wrong hands. 

Male charactors ideas - Research

In the films we have watched stereotypically male characters playing the "government agents"  are all well dressed and wear suits all the same; this makes them all noticeable to the audience and shows the authority of the government and the power they hold over the public. The agents in the films we researched are stereotypically between the ages of 20-30, this could be different in our production as we have a lower budget than Hollywood production company. In our production, we will be looking for 2 males to play the roles of government agents. They would always be in a pair together and would stand out in the crowd shots in Cambridge.

Male character ideas - Research

In the films we have researched including "Taken" and "Bourne Identity" and "Parker" there is always a protector role. Stereotypically a male character who's main purpose in the film is to protect or find a female character, ultimately becoming the "hero". These "protectors" are very well built and are good at fighting scenes that involve protecting the female in distress, when they are in danger. They are quick thinking in lots of situations and can handle their weapons very well. These characters are usually between the ages of 25-40. There is a chance this could change in our production, as we will find it hard to find a character that matches this exact criteria; also we do not have a big Hollywood budget like the films we have researched.

Locations and camera shot ideas - Research

The locations we have chosen are typical conventions of crime/action films. By using busy shopping centers and streets the crimes and characters are hidden within the public, giving them a chance to run and also hide and blend in with he public. This creates a sense of realism for the audience as it is an everyday situation. In our research we have found there is usually a lighthearted part of a trailer with high key lighting; we feel the shopping center could be a good way of achieving this convention, also by showing "near misses" like using the escalators and lifts to have the "agents" nearly catch the main female characters, this creates tension and keeps the audience interested and on the edge. This would then be juxtaposed to the dark and low key lighting of alleyways and back streets, also creating suspense and tension for the audience. Multistory car parks at night are seen frequently in Crime and Action films, as they are usually locked and empty creating a good place for possibly a "car chase" or even a group of "agents" to meet up, acting as a secret location. 

For our location we will be filming in Cambridge as this has all of the locations we have researched, including: a shopping center (the Grafton) multistory car parks, back alleys, roads and public busy streets. All of this shows it is a perfect location to film our trailer in. 

Fonts and Text Ideas - Research

Fonts used in the Crime/action genre usually use; Capital letters, and bold font. These are also very short memorable words like: RED, SAFE, and SALT, making the films memorable to the audience. A lot of films in this genre have either red or white writing.This is to connote danger in the film, as red signifies both blood and a danger/ warning to the audience. This is also combined with the USP of the films by putting the main characters names above the film title in the same style font. Also to accompany the bold fonts and colours each film has unique iconography to match the genre. For the James bond film "Sky fall" the unique 007 logo is seen with the gun. The "Men In Black" logo has the two main characters inside the font, creating a logo. "The Bourne Identity" 's font is also made into a logo with the lines from a sniper sight pointing in the O of the title. This all helps to create the synergy of a film, by using iconography to create a memorable logo that if, a sequel of the film is released it would already be known to the audience and linked to the last film.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Trailer Research - Crime, Action & Mystery


- Starts with high key lighting and makes the trailer appear light hearted, this starts to show relationship between the two characters.
- First few shots set up the narrative.
-Fade to Black used a lot throughout.
- Establishing shot of location of film (Paris)
-Quick Cuts and Fast paced editing builds suspense for audience.
-When action takes place, there's a split screen to show the two different locations of the two main characters.
-Music added slowly builds suspense.
-Flashes of white light accompany the quick cuts (act like a flashback) creating tension.
-Close ups of the equipment and weapons he will be using, showing they have importance.
-Synchronous sound is used to amplify the girls scream.
-Half way through the trailer it switches to soft calming music.
-Voice over and dialogue is used over the moving images.
-Quick cuts are used to show short parts of the film, and not give too much away to the audience.
- Shot reverse shot to the main character (Liam neeson) used a lot to create suspense.
-Editing becomes quicker towards the end of the trailer.
-A synchronous sound is used with a dial tone of a phone call at the end of the trailer.
-Title is bold and is presented at the end of the trailer with a powerful "boom" noise to accompany it, creating a lasting effect on the audience as they will remember the title of the film.
-Trailer uses high key lighting at the beginning and then forms into low key lighting towards the end.
- Catchphrase used : "I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL KILL  YOU".


- Trailer starts with an establishing shot of America, sets the location for the audience.
-American Male voice over.
-Suits and weapons, and in a gang.
-Quick cuts with voice over (usually an American male voice)
-Fast quick editing.
-Busy crowd scene
-Young powerless female.
-Close up onto protectors face (usually at a cruicle moment)
-Music builds up as the trailer continues.
-Violence- train fighting scene used.
-Fade to blacks used consistantly.
-Flashbacks (black and white filter always used)
-Music fast paced usually metal.
-USP- Jason Statham
-Headquarters seen.
-Dialogue  used as a voiceover.
-Police are seen as characters,
-Weapons used- clicking of gun amplified.
-Fast gun scenes.
-Actors seen to risk their  life "Till my dying day" catchphrase.
-Rock music- electronic guitar used.
-Slow motion used.
-Some comedy seen to break up narrative.
-"Safe" film title said as a voice over.
-Film carries on as part of the trailer.

"The Bourne Ultimatum"


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Movie Trailers Research

Age of Heros (2011):

War Film, Fighting, Army, World of conflict.

 No females in the film (very make orinatated)


 Interested in the war- 25+,
Interested in the action- 16+

Media Langauge:
Quick Cuts, Syncronised sound (bombs and gunshots), Juxtaposed 
English and German flag (Binary oppositions),
Non-chronological, Narrative is behind the intertitles, No usual 
added american voiceover (only dialouge from the film.

"Based on a true story"


Gravity (2013):

Astronaut lost in space, who has a daughter on earth.

Counter-type - as shes a female astronaut,
Stereo-type - she needs rescuing and is a mother.


Mass Audience (Unisex 15-25 years)
Single- Disposable income

Media Langauge:
Fast Paced editing, Cut to a heart beat, Also cut to the breathing 
and screams of the astronaut are cut to the footage, music is silent at the beggining 
and creates an impact on the audience.

Famous actors- George Clooney, Sandra Bullock.
Unseen space footage shown.